Saturday, September 29, 2007


So tonight, we decided to go out. One of the girls upstairs had been told by a random guy that The Lizard was the place to be, so we got all excited for dancing and headed over there. First warning sign: there was a decent-sized line outside, full of girls whose choice of attire was clearly weather-inappro. Which is obviously what one expects from a line outside a "club", but we were fully sober and actually desirous of dancing, not skanking. Inside was a small, hot, sweaty, low-ceilinged, skanktastic mash of drunk seventeen-year-olds, all super-excited to finally move out of home and conceive babies on the dancefloor. Needless to say, our foray there did not last long.

We went in search of a pub for a beer, and ended up going to the place that Sandra (the room directly above mine) was going to play open mic at on Monday. Thankfully, the patrons were distinctly more dignified, and we caught the tail end of an old-man Blues band. They also had a glorious selection of European beer, and it got rather packed towards the end, so I think we determined that we like it and that we're going back.

Moral of the story: the British are known for their pubs for a reason.

During the day, I met a bunch of the other new Psychology PhD students, picked up my building swipe card and the key to our "office", claimed a desk for my own, and ate a LOT of free food. Pretending to be Islamic rocks.

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